A Better Plumber and Sewer, Inc.

Jun 1, 2022


A well-functioning drainage system is integral to any home or business. When it comes to drainage system design, people often make a few common mistakes.

In this blog post, we will unmask 5 of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them. Stay tuned to learn more!

Error 1: Sloppy Sloping

When talking about drainage design, it’s essential to consider the slope of your flooring. The steeper the slope, the better. Why? A steeper slope means water will flow more quickly and be less likely to pool or cause blockages.

We recommend that your drainage sloping have an optimum slant of ¼ inch per foot. This way, you’ll avoid damage to the pavement, the surrounding buildings, and potential flooding.

Error 2: System Scarcity

One irritating and hazardous issue with drainage design is the lack of numbers. We’ve all been there – a single pipe trying to handle too much water. The result? Backup, overflow, and general system failure.

We’re sure you’ll agree that any area dealing with water needs a decent number of drains. Places like car washes, for example, or areas where rain is a constant visitor.

Error 3: Safety Slips

Designing drainage systems, especially in open areas, requires a delicate balance. On the one hand, you need a system that can handle large volumes of water. However, you need to consider the safety of the people and animals in the area.

There have been incidents where poorly maintained drains collapsed, causing serious safety hazards to the public. These issues can quickly escalate to injuries or even death, making a lawsuit the least of your worries.

Error 4: Rare Repair

After installing a sound system, the next step is to maintain it. Unfortunately, some people think that once the system is in place, they can forget about it. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Drainage systems need to be regularly inspected and cleaned to prevent blockages. If you neglect your system, you will eventually have to pay for expensive repairs. Instead, design a system with a built-in filter, or better yet, with automated flushing. This will save you time and money in the long run.

Error 5: Environmental Enemy

The type of material you select for your drainage system will also impact the environment. Suppose you choose a material that breaks down easily, like grating or PVC. In that case, you will pollute the very thing you’re trying to protect.

So, be mindful of the type of material you select and make sure it is durable and environmentally friendly. Stainless steel, for example, is an excellent option because it is both durable and eco-friendly.


There you have it! Five common mistakes made in drainage system design and how to avoid them.

If you’re ever unsure about your drainage system or need reliable commercial plumbing service in Round Lake, IL, reach out to us at A Better Plumber & Sewer. We’re always happy to provide expert insights and assistance.

Request your free quote today!