A Better Plumber and Sewer, Inc.

Feb 14, 2022


Trying to fix a plumbing problem without experience can quickly turn disastrous if you lack experience. However, many homeowners feel like they have no choice but to try and fix things themselves, especially when it comes to issues like clogged drains. For some reason, many homeowners believe they can take on hydro jetting all by themselves. However, as explained in this blog post by A Better Plumber & Sewer, this process can be hazardous if you’re untrained.

1) What is Hydro Jetting Drain Cleaning?

This method involves a machine that cleans clogged pipes with high-pressure water. This powerful flow can easily remove debris from your drain line. The process of hydro jetting is a great way to clean and unclog your pipes without using harmful chemicals. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can be dangerous for both you and your home.

2) Is Hydro Jetting DIY Friendly?

Hydro jetting is an effective method of clearing clogged pipes, but it’s not a DIY-friendly job. For starters, the high-pressure water used in this process can easily cause injury or property damage. Hydro jetting equipment is expensive and training to use. So unless you’re a trained professional with the required tools on hand, we advise against trying any drain cleaning at home by yourself – especially when dealing with something as powerful as hydro jetting.

Not carrying out the process correctly can result in severe consequences such as pipeline rupture, causing significant flooding inside your home.

3) What Makes DIY Hydro Jetting Dangerous

Pipes can burst in the worst possible way due to DIY hydro jetting. The pressure is so intense that it will break apart the pipes without prior warning, causing much damage and costing you more money for repairs. Any debris or sludge built up within your drains could also cause an obstruction when trying to use high-pressure water on them! It’s not worth the risk- no one likes having their home flooded with sewage (or worse).

4) Hydro Jet Cleaning by Professionals – What Makes a Professional’s Job so Different?

The main reason for hiring a professional plumbing company is because they have the experience and knowledge to complete the job. Not only do they know everything about hydro jetting, but they also have the proper equipment to avoid any damage to your property. Plus, if something does go wrong, these companies have insurance that will cover any damages. All in all, it’s just not worth risking trying DIY hydro jetting when you can call a professional to take care of everything for you.

Hydro jetting is a great way to clear stubborn clogs and get your drains flowing again. However, it’s important to remember that this is an effective service and should only be attempted by professionals. If you try DIY hydro jetting, you may end up with a plumbing emergency on your hands. So before you attempt to unclog your drains yourself, give A Better Plumber & Sewer a call. We offer hydro jetting services in Arlington Heights and the surrounding areas, and we’d be happy to help you get your drains cleared quickly and efficiently. Get a free estimate from our team now.