A Better Plumber and Sewer, Inc.

May 2, 2022


You wouldn’t believe some of the things that get caught in drains and cause clogs. Nothing is too strange or too large for a drain to catch, from coins to jewelry.

In this blog post, A Better Plumber & Sewer will look at some of the more insane items that have been pulled from clogged drains over the years. You might be surprised at what people try to flush down the toilet!

So if you’re ever faced with a clogged drain, remember that you’re not alone – and there’s probably something pretty strange stuck in there with you. Stay tuned for our list of wild items recovered from drain clogs! You’ll never look at your sink the same way again!

A Live Alligator

You might think that you’ve seen it all when it comes to clogged drains, but you probably haven’t seen anything like this! In 2016, workers in New York City were called to a home in Queens to help with a clogged drain. However, when they arrived, they found something much more terrifying than a clog: a live alligator, just chilling in the sewer line!

The alligator was about two feet long, and it is believed that it had been living in the sewers for quite some time. Thankfully, the workers could capture the reptile and remove it from the drain without incident. But this shows that you never know what you might find lurking in your drains!

Luxury Watches:

It might seem like something as small and innocent-looking as a watch could never cause your drain to clog, but it happens more than you know. One residential plumber reported finding over 100 luxury watches in a single drain in London!

It’s unclear how the watches ended up in the drain, but it’s possible that somebody accidentally flushed them down toilets or was thrown away by thieves. Either way, it’s pretty strange – and valuable! – a collection of items to find in a drain.


The coins are typically the first thing that will get stuck in your drain, but that doesn’t make them any less strange. Believe it or not, some people even make a hobby out of finding coins in drains!

One man in the UK has found over £100,000 worth of coins in drains. He started just looking for loose change, but he soon realized that there was a lot of money to be made from finding coins in drains.

He now uses a metal detector to find coins in drains, and he’s even been featured on TV shows about his strange hobby.

False Teeth:

False teeth are another common item that gets caught in drains. Even a company in the UK specializes in cleaning out false teeth from drains!

The company has pulled out false teeth from drains, including dentures, braces, and dental implants. They’ve even found whole mouths full of false teeth!


If you have a clogged drain, it’s always best to call a professional to help. If you require a good plumbing company to help keep your drains clear and your home healthy, call A Better Plumber & Sewer.

They provide top-notch plumbing services to residents in Arlington Heights and the surrounding suburbs. Request a free quote today and see how they can help you keep your house running smoothly!