A Better Plumber and Sewer, Inc.

Apr 1, 2022


Your residential plumbing is crucial to your daily life, but it’s also one of the most vulnerable parts of your property. That’s why it’s vital to protect your plumbing from damage, and one way to do that is by hydro jetting.

Hydro jetting is an effective method for clearing stubborn drains, but what does it entail? This blog post by A Better Plumber & Sewer will look at hydro jetting and why it might be the best solution for your house in Mundelein, IL. We’ll also discuss some preventative measures you can take to help avoid future clogs. So, let’s learn more about Hydro Jetting! 

What is Hydro Jetting?

Hydro jetting is a process of clearing clogged drains using high-pressure water. A hydro jetting machine uses pressurized water to clean out your pipes, and it can be an effective way to remove tough clogs.

Why Do You Need Hydro Jetting?

First, let’s talk about why you might require hydro jetting. If you’ve been dealing with recurring clogs, then hydro jetting can be an effective way to clear your drains and prevent future clogs. Hydro jetting is also an excellent preventative measure if you live in an area with hard water. Hard water can build up in your lines and lead to clogs. By regularly hydro jetting your pipes, you can help prevent these clogs.

How to prep your home for Hydro Jetting?

Now that you know why you might need hydro jetting, let’s talk about how to prep your home for the procedure. First, it’s essential to clear the area around your drains. It will help the plumber access your drains more efficiently and help prevent any damage to your property. You should also turn off any water sources, such as your shower or sink, that could be in the way.

Once you’ve prepped your home, the next step is to contact a professional plumber who has experience with hydro jetting. They will be able to assess your drains and determine if hydro jetting is the best option for you. If it is, they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Hydro jetting is an eminent way to clear stubborn clogs and improve the overall performance of your drains. By taking some time to prep your home and contacting a professional, you can ensure that hydro jetting is done properly and safely.

Preventative Measures to take after Hydro Jetting:

  • Install drain guards or screens
  • Avoid pouring grease or oil down the drain
  • Use a plunger to clear minor clogs
  • Be mindful of what goes down your drains!

By taking some easy preventative steps, you can help keep your drains clear and reduce the need for hydro jetting in the future.

Final Verdict:

Hydro jetting is a powerful tool, but it’s essential to have your home’s plumbing ready. If you want to make sure your drain cleaning and hydro jetting experience goes as smoothly as possible, call a professional plumber near you like A Better Plumber & Sewer.

We can help get your home ready for this intense cleaning service and ensure that the job is done right – so you can enjoy the benefits of a clean and clear drain for years to come.

Ready to get started? Request a free quote today!